Perfect Aim

Perfect Aim
List: Warlock
Cost: 6
Prereqs: Any 3 Warlock Skills, Special
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: Yes
Purchase: Multi
Duration: Instant

Learning this skill allows a character to cast a spell without throwing a spell packet. The spell starts at the caster’s index finger and travels to the target. The hand that points the index finger must either be empty or be holding a spell packet. Perfect aimed spells cannot bend corners or “follow” a character out of sight. A Perfect aimed spell can go over a wall spell, but not if that wall spell fills a doorway or other similar structures. As a general rule, so long as a spell packet could physically move from the caster to the target – however improbable – the target is hit.

The range of a Perfect Aim skill is limited to however far the casting character can throw a spell packet when the targeted character is outdoors. The player need not hit the target but has to throw the packet at least as far as the target. It can go farther, but cannot land short. If the character and the targeted character are indoors, the player does not need to throw a spell packet and the attack is not limited by range. Indoors and outdoors, in this case, refers to real world, out-of-game buildings not in-game caves or buildings.

The target can invoke a defense that stops spells normally, but the player cannot physically dodge the spell. All other rules of spell casting apply. The target must be in line of sight at the start and end of the spell verbal – including any Warlock skill verbals.

The Dodge skill can be used to stop a Perfect Aim skill.

For example, Logan is attacked by a Warlock who begins casting his verbal, “With Perfect Aim, Double Cast, Dragon’s Breath Spell.” Logan hears the verbal being cast and runs behind the inn out of sight of the caster before she finishes casting. Logan is safe for now and the Warlock has expended the one Speed Cast and 16 Power Points, but not the two Perfect Aims or the Double Cast. Un-daunted, the Warlock picks another target, Dom Dom, who is busy fighting some of the Warlock’s undead minions. The Warlock successfully completes the verbal and Dom Dom finds out too late he has been hit by the two spells. He calls two of his Dodge skills stopping each of the spells cast at him. The Warlock is foiled once more.

This skill can only be used with a spell cast by the character and not when invoked from an item or read from a scroll.

To use this skill, the character must prefix the spell verbal by “With Perfect Aim…”, and then point their index finger at the target of the spell.

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